LEGENDARY Businesses and Lives start with changing your MINDSET.

What a Pet Store Can Teach You About Marketing
I received a catalog in the mail the other day from a pet store and learned some important lessons for your contracting business. Find out this key lesson.

Why 2, 3, and 4 Star Reviews Are a Goldmine
You ever notice how proud people are of their 5 star reviews? It is all about the 2, 3 and 4 star reviews!

Brain Dumping and Def Leppard
A brain dump is a process I use in which I just write out everything that comes to mind. It doesn’t matter if it seems useless, stupid, smart, or worthwhile, it gets written down. (I use a big whiteboard in my office for my brain dumps).

LEGEND Founder, Dennis M Hohman, knows all the problems business owners deal with. He has worked around business owners and elite achievers for years. Despite this, Dennis suffered the same problems all business owners face, until he discovered the system to eliminate all the bullshit, get every part of his life and business in order and DOMINATE!
LEGEND is about sidestepping the landmines, eliminating the shit going on inside your head, and building a LEGENDARY life AND business.